Malasana / Yogic Squat

Malasana, also known as Yogic Squat or Garland Pose, is a grounding and hip-opening yoga posture that fosters flexibility and strength in the lower body while promoting relaxation and introspection.

  • Start in a standing position, then squat down, bringing the feet wider than hip-width apart and turning the toes slightly outward.

  • Lower the hips towards the ground, keeping the heels grounded or lifting them if needed.

  • Bring the palms together at the heart center, pressing the elbows against the inner thighs to open the hips further.

  • Lengthen the spine and draw the shoulder blades down the back, lifting the chest and maintaining an open heart.

  • Relax the face and breathe deeply into the posture, finding stillness and presence.

  • Explore variations such as placing blocks under the heels for support or extending the arms forward for balance.


  • Stretches and opens hips, inner thighs, groin, achilles tendon and lower calf muscles

  • Stimulates digestive organs and metabolism

  • Balances sacroiliac (hip) joints

  • Helps relieve menstrual pain

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Vrksasana / Tree Pose


Prasarita Padottanasana / Wide-Legged Forward Bend