Garudasana / Eagle Pose
Garudasana, also known as Eagle Pose, cultivates balance, strength, and flexibility while improving focus and concentration.
Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) and shift the weight onto the left foot.
Bend the knees slightly and cross the right thigh over the left, hooking the right foot behind the left calf if possible.
Extend the arms out to the sides at shoulder height and cross the right arm under the left, bending the elbows and bringing the palms together.
Lift the elbows slightly and press the forearms away from the face, finding a deep stretch across the upper back.
Sink the hips down and back, maintaining a steady gaze and a strong core.
Hold the pose for several breaths, then release and repeat on the opposite side.
Explore variations such as using a strap around the arms or placing a block under the bottom foot for support.
Strengthens the thighs, hips, ankles and calves
Stretches the shoulders and upper back
Improves concentration and balance
Reduces stress
Challenges the breath
Access detailed teaching cues, benefits, contraindications, and variations of Garudasana through our Yoga Asanas Card Deck. Perfect for beginners, intermediates, and yoga teacher trainees. Get yours today for a deeper understanding of yoga and enhance your practice!