Ardha Chandrasana / Half Moon Pose
Ardha Chandrasana, commonly known as Half Moon Pose, is a dynamic standing balance posture that cultivates strength, stability, and flexibility.
Begin in Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) with the right foot forward. Bend the front knee slightly and shift the weight onto the right leg.
Place the right hand on the floor or a block a foot or so in front of the right foot, and begin to shift the weight onto the right hand and foot.
Lift the left leg parallel to the floor, flexing the left foot and stacking the left hip over the right hip.
Extend the left arm toward the sky, creating a straight line from the left fingertips to the left heel.
Engage the core muscles to stabilize the torso and keep the spine long.
Gaze upward toward the left hand or keep the gaze down for balance.
Stretches the shoulders, spine, chest and hamstrings
Strengthens the thighs, glutes, knees and ankles
Improves coordination and balance
Stimulates creativity
Brings mental clarity
Access detailed teaching cues, benefits, contraindications, and variations of Half Moon Pose through our Yoga Asanas Card Deck. Perfect for beginners, intermediates, and yoga teacher trainees. Get yours today for a deeper understanding of yoga and enhance your practice!