Natarajasana / Dancer Pose

Natarajasana, also known as Dancer Pose, is a graceful and challenging balancing posture that opens the shoulders, chest, and thighs while improving focus and concentration.

  • Begin standing in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides.

  • Shift the weight onto the right foot and bend the left knee, reaching back with the left hand to grasp the inside of the left foot or ankle.

  • Keep the knees close together and the pelvis squared toward the front of the mat.

  • On an inhalation, begin to lift the left foot away from the body, pressing it into the hand as you simultaneously extend the right arm forward.

  • Engage the core muscles to stabilize the torso and keep the spine long.

  • Lift the chest and gaze forward or upward, finding a focal point to help with balance


  • Stretches the shoulders and chest

  • Strengthens the legs and ankles

  • Improves balance and posture

  • Promotes concentration, invokes grace

Access detailed teaching cues, benefits, contraindications, and variations of Natarajasana through our Yoga Asanas Card Deck. Perfect for beginners, intermediates, and yoga teacher trainees. Get yours today for a deeper understanding of yoga and enhance your practice!


High Plank Pose / Phalakasana


Ardha Chandrasana / Half Moon Pose