Utthita Parsvakonasana / Extended Side Angle Pose
Utthita Parsvakonasana, commonly known as Extended Side Angle Pose, combines strength and flexibility, offering a deep stretch for the side body while engaging the legs and core.
Begin in Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) with the right knee bent directly over the ankle and the left leg extended straight behind.
On an inhalation, extend the right arm forward, then lower it to the inside of the right foot, reaching the left arm overhead, creating a straight line from the left heel to the fingertips.
Engage the core to stabilize the torso and lengthen through the side body, feeling a deep stretch from the left fingertips to the outer edge of the left foot.
Keep the right knee stacked over the ankle and press into the outer edge of the left foot to maintain stability.
Gaze upward toward the fingertips or keep the gaze down for balance.
For more guidance on alignment, variations, and benefits of Extended Side Angle Pose, explore our Yoga Asanas Card Deck.
Stretches and strengthens legs, ankle joints, hips and groin
Stretches the sides of the torso and hip flexors
Opens the chest
Helps relieve menopausal discomfort
Improves digestion and circulation
Improves balance and flexibility
For more guidance on alignment, variations, and benefits of Extended Side Angle Pose, we recommend you to explore our Yoga Asanas Card Deck.