Viparita Virabhadrasana / Reverse Warrior Pose
Viparita Virabhadrasana, also known as Reverse Warrior Pose, offers a deep stretch for the side body while strengthening the legs and core.
From Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), inhale as you reach the right arm up and back, sliding the left hand down the back leg.
Keep the right knee bent directly over the ankle and maintain length through the spine.
Press into the feet to create stability and support, feeling the stretch through the right side body.
Gaze upward toward the right hand or keep the gaze forward for balance.
Engage the core muscles to protect the lower back and maintain stability in the pose.
Stretches the sides of the torso
Stretches the inner thighs
Opens the chest and lungs
Improves flexibility in the spine
Invigorates the mind
Alleviates fatigue
Explore modifications of Reverse Warrior Pose in our Yoga Asanas Card Deck for a deeper understanding.