Virabhadrasana 2 / Warrior 2
Virabhadrasana II, or Warrior II Pose, builds strength and endurance in the legs while opening the hips and chest, promoting a sense of empowerment and courage.
Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) and step the left foot back, aligning the left heel with the arch of the right foot.
Extend the arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms facing down, with the right knee bent directly over the ankle.
Press into the outer edge of the left foot and ground down through the outer edge of the back foot, creating a strong foundation.
Gaze over the right fingertips, keeping the shoulders relaxed and the chest open.
Sink the hips down, but keep the spine long and the torso upright.
Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles
Stretches the groins, chest, lungs and shoulders
Increases stamina
Improves concentration
Instills a sense of balance
For more guidance on alignment, variations, and benefits of Warrior II Pose, refer to our Yoga Asanas Card Deck - the ultimate tool for yoga practitioners and teachers alike!
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